  • Who Am I? An Enquiry
by Pravrajika Vivekaprana

Lectures on Vedanta based on Shakara's work Aparokshanabhuti.

  • 115 pages, Indian paperback
  • (retail only)

Lectures on Vedanta based on Shakara's work Aparokshanabhuti.

Table of Contents
An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
The First Teacher
The Need for  Vichara,Reflection
There Is Only One Reality
The Greatest Fears
Dealing with the Mind and Naam-Rupa, Name and Form
Experiences and the Momentum of Life
Consciousness Creates Everything

For other titles by Pravrajika Vivekaprana please click here.

Global Rating: 5.00 from 1 reviews Write a review
Review By Davor Ararankovic

Who Am I? An Enquiry

Anyone who has been searching for Truth and yet still feels something is missing in Western thought should read this book. Based on the ancient teachings of India, this book presents new ways to look at life and its problems, spelled out in language that is easy for a Westerner to grasp.